Well, this is not an easy question, as it's hard to say what " practically noone" means.
In Cote D'Ivore, most people are either Muslim or Christian, so it's definitely true that most people are not practicing traditional religions.
However, an estimated 3-10 percent of the population still practices traditional religions and some fuse elements of traditional religions with Christianity or Islam.
So I would judge the statement as "false" that "practically noone" - since some people do!
Chartres is an unusually well preserved French Gothic cathedral with superb stained glass. Although work began on a Romansque cathedral most of it was built between 1194 and 1220 in an early Gothic style.
Chartres Cathedral represents the peak of church building. Perhaps for all time. Certainly it is the height (pun intended) of French Gothic architecture. Medieval citizens took their religion very seriously and were willing to spend outrageous amounts of time, money and craftsmanship in building their churches.
Two most significant things about Chartes are:
It was build without modern equipment. 371 feet tall at it highest point, 430 feet long, 151 feet wide, occupying 117,000 square feet.
It is still standing and soaring those amazing heights 800 years after construction was completed way back in 1220 AD.
Bonjour !
<em>Tu " as regardé" un film au cinéma hier soir. (regarder)</em>
<em />
<em>Vous "avez voyagé" en France il y a deux ans. (voyager)</em>
<em />
<em>Elles "ont fini" leurs devoirs hier après-midi (finir)</em>
<em />
<em>"J'ai attendu" le bus pendant quinze minutes. (attendre)</em>
<em />
<em>Il " a choisi" un livre à la bibliothèque. (choisir)</em>
<em />
<em>Nous "avons répondu" aux questions du professeur. (répondre)</em>
1. It is half past ten in the evening. (10:50pm)
2. It is two o'clock in the afternoon. (2:00pm)
3. It is a quarter past eight in the evening. (8:25pm)
4. It is a quarter to midnight. (12:25am or 11:35pm)
5. It is six twenty-five in the evening. (6:25pm)
6. it is three in the morning. (3:00am)
vocabulary p 154 description and portrait