captains of industry- were business leaders whose means of amassing a personal fortune contributed positively to the country in some way.
robber baron- was applied to powerful nineteenth-century industrialists who were viewed as having used questionable practices to amass their wealth.
The Mycenaeans colonized lands around the Mediterranean.
The Second Industrial Revolution began in the mid 19th Century and was <em>triggered </em><em>by the development and use of steel, petroleum, and electricity. </em> The Industrial Revolution saw advances in technology and factories making it simpler and quicker for manufacturers and farmers to generate more goods and commodities for the market. The industrial revolution resulted out to mass advancements in agriculture, manufacturing and transportation starting from Britain and spreading throughout Europe and North America, and to the rest of the world. The development and use of these new technologies led to the introduction of two things that would change the world: public transport and planes.
The absence of a uniform tariff rate benefited British exports to America.