They are really different then most kinds<span />
Trans fats.
Unsaturated fat is GOOD fat, saturated fat is bad fat as well as trans fats.
Each cell is alive even if it is part of a multi celled body, and all living organisms consist of one or more cells. Also, cells reproduce by dividing so it follows that all existing cells must have arisen by division of other cells. As a cell divides it passes it hereditary material- its DNA- to offspring.
The phospholipid bilayer is a universal component of all cell membranes. Each phospholipid molecule has a hydrophobic(water repelling) and a hydrophilic( attracted to water) end. This allows the phospholipids to arrange themselves in a way that makes a cell membrane not able to dissolve in water. The bilayer is also semi-permeable which allows only certain molecules to enter the cell.
hope this helps