B- Distributor
They are distributors because they are the main ones who are supplying the store with their company's product.
1. Protect United states and its citizens.
2. Further American Interest in the world(such as advancing human rights).
3.Promote understanding of American values.
4. Support U.s government officials.
Assertions are strong statements which provide strong fact. Rhetoric theory is one which checks the available persuasions for the statement and the validates the claiming statement.
As given that non formal institutions have no role to play at processing stage of system theory, this statement has no valid supporting evidence.
The validity of this statement is questioned and therefore readers will have no evidence to accept this statement. The readers will think differently and assertion made is not accepted by the readers.
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The individual lives and acts within society but society is nothing, in spite of the combination of individuals for cooperative effort. On the other hand, society exists to serve individuals—not the other way around. Human life and society almost go together.