The Dalai lama is the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism
The 1860 Republican National Convention in Chicago nominated Lincoln, a moderate former one-term Whig Representative from Illinois. Its platform promised not to interfere with slavery in the South but opposed extension of slavery into the territories.
Brainliest Please
Some of the Roman writers tried to rationalize the story of Atlas holding up the sky by equating Atlas to mountains — specifically, the Atlas Mountains. They accomplish this using Medusa’s head.
The gist of the tale is that Perseus passed near Atlas’ location — at the far west of the known world (i.e. continental Europe and Northern Africa) — after slaying Medusa and asked for lodging and protection for the night. Atlas was rude and demanded Perseus to leave, prompting Perseus to expose the Titan to Medusa’s head and turn him into the mountain range. At no point, at least in any source that I know of, did Atlas explicitly ask to be turned to stone.
States of the German Confederation
Archduchy of Austria (split into Upper Austria and Lower Austria in 1849)
Kingdom of Bohemia.
Margraviate of Moravia.
Grand Duchy of Salzburg.
Duchy of Carinthia.
Duchy of Carniola.
Duchy of Upper and Lower Silesia.
Duchy of Styria.
They saw them as honorable men.