In this situation, it is likely that the seller owes a
commission to the broker because the broker had already brought an offer in which
he has already had terms of agreement from a buyer, even though the seller
disagrees, the seller still owes the broker the commission he deserves.
<span>Jeeves consulting needs a performance
evaluation method in quantitative analysis and comparison. Because of this,
they need a technique evaluation that will be of help of assessing and
evaluating a performance. What they should use is the graphic rating scales as
it fits the method they need to use as it is a performance appraisal method in
a way of having to show quantitative analysis and comparison. It enables to
show effective performance and to show rates and differences of what is being
compared. It is easier to use for it is less time consuming in the process of
administering and developing.</span>
Answer: <em>Option (A) is correct</em>
Here in the given case, in the context of supply change, the corporation did go wrong on part of adaptability. Adaptability is known as a feature of a process or of a system. This term has been utilized in several different discipline and organization operations. According to Gronau and Andresen, adaptability in organizational management can be referred to as ability to bring changes to oneself or something in order to fit the changes occurring.
The calculation of the economy income is given below:
Since $1,690 spend on goods and then he decided to purchase for $470 in order to generate it
So here we can see that there is one and only economic activity that took place at the present quarter that is of $470
Therefore the economy income is $470