It only allowed freed slaves to vote
Nick refers to Tom and Daisy Buchanan as careless people because he's witnessed them ruin lives and simply disappear by hiding behind their wealth.
oh easy
when I wake up ,I wake up lately.So I brush my teeth ,wash my face and change cloth.And I cover my bed. And then I eat my break fast. I wash the dishes . And then I start studying .
Prepositions are words such as aboard, above, across, after, along, anti, around, as, at, before, beneath, below, behind, beside, by, but, beyond, between, concerning, considering, down, during, except, for, following, like, inside, into, minus, near, off, on, onto, plus, through, to, under, up, upon, with, withought and many more!! in your sentence the prepositions would be on, now, and for that i know of but there could be more!! Hope this helps!!!:)