The answer is c Gil hasn’t developed emotional regulations yet. Hoped this helped u
These lines are from the short story "The Three Trees".
The short story of "The Three Trees" is a moral story about life and how things may turn up, but just not how we want them to. Revolving around the plot of Jesus Christ's life, the three trees were given lives and identities within the story of Christ.
In the beginning of the story, the three trees have their heads full of plans and hopes. The first wanted to be a treasure chest, the second wanted to be a mighty ship while the third just wanted <em>"to grow to be the tallest and straightest tree in the forest"</em>. But none of their plans came true when they were cut down. Later on after many years, they all served their purposes, their hopes came true-
(a) The first tree held the most precious of treasures when Jesus was born and placed in the box made out of the first tree.
(b) The second tree was used as a fishing boat by Jesus and his disciples when Jesus calmed the storm.
(c) And the third became the cross which hold Jesus when he was crucified.
Though they may not become exactly what they had wished for, they still end up doing the thing they most wanted to achieve. Likewise, our plans may not succeed immediately but God has plans for us which will become true, but "<em>just not in the way [we may] have imagined</em>."
Buddhism teaches that we have many chances to start over with the cycle of rebirth and fresh starts. Christianity teaches that we have one life and one chance, and if you mess up you go to hell. Hinduism says that everything in the world, good and evil is created by God, but in Christianity, God is said to have only created the good things.
No one branch grows bigger than another, preventing the country from becoming a monarchy