In 1753, Ben Franklin won the Copley Medal awarded by the Royal Society of London. The same year, he was also awarded honorary doctorate degrees from a number of prestigious universities, including Yale University in New Haven, Conn., and Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. In 1759, the University of St. Andrews in Scotland awarded him an honorary Doctor of Laws degree.
The correct answer is "practices associated with political machines."
During the late 19th century and early 20th century, political machines rose in popular in populous American cities. The goal of these machines were to get specific individuals elected so that they may control local laws. These political machines would then use the candidate as a means to reap personal benefits based on the laws made for the city. These actions are seen by individuals such as Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall.
Training for knighthood started at around 7 years of age. Only boys from noble families were allowed to become knights. Boys became squires at the age of 14, and were typically knighted at around 21 years of age.
The Mandate of Heaven played an important role in the dynastic cycle since it said that people of hereditary royal birth were ordained with powers from god to rule over the people.