Harriet Tubman aided slaves from the south to escape their captors. She courageously set up the Underground Railroad by marking trees, and whites who opposed slavery set up “safe houses” she also informed that if a slave were to get lost, to look towards the sky and find the North Star.
Hello, this question is about the article "Africans Migration to Colonial America"
They began to dominate the land by learning the languages present in North America, getting to know the region and making connections with local residents.
Those who were privileged to survive Middle Passage created the new land because they were able to establish themselves efficiently in North America.
First, they learned the languages spoken in the region, so it would be possible to make connections with local residents. These connections were established through friendships and even joining lineages through marriages, agreements and other things, which allowed the survivors to establish themselves and create a promising environment for themselves and their descendants.
Answer: “ On this day in 1682, the fifth Duke of York (1633-1701), the son of England’s Charles I, awarded William Penn (1644-1718) a deed to the three counties that now make up the state of Delaware. Penn, a Quaker leader and an advocate of religious freedom, oversaw the founding of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a refuge for Quakers and other religious minorities.
Penn successfully sought to acquire the tract — which had been transferred from Dutch to British authority — to ensure access to the Atlantic Ocean for the new colony. (In 1610, explorer Samuel Argall had named the Delaware River and Bay for the governor of Virginia, Thomas West, also known as Lord De La Warr.)”
Sample response: The cost of higher education needs to be reduced to prepare future students for the jobs they will need, and to fuel the nation's ongoing research and technological development. An investment in online education will reduce costs and increase accessibility.
god, glory, and gold
Europeans went to the new world for these three things mainly. First to spread God's word and convert the natives to Christianity which some found fulfilling. Two glory, people traveled to be the first and to come back as heroes. Third is the gold. Like most things in life people are in it for the wealth and riches. Europeans went to the new world because they were under the impression the would find lots of gold.