The attire of Bertilak, the mysterious Green Knight who challenges the knights of the Round Table, is described in the medieval text in detail in lines 161-172, where we can read that "Bothe the bosses on his belt and other bright gems / That were richly ranged on his raiment noble". The word noble indicates indeed his social status; it grants him his high position in the court. Additionally, the fact that precious stones and metals are part of his attire also reflects the lavishness of the royalty and the court.
Can you send a picture of the graph?
There are three bases in baseball before a player reaches the home plate. These bases are disposed in a rhombus shape called "baseball diamond"
Anyone hiking the Appalachian Trail should remember to bring his or her rain gear.
Have you ever had to move schools? After moving schools multiple times, you might learn to get used to new things, but if you haven't, I've got some advice for you. I was always shy and rarely interacted with others on my own. But when others talked to me, especially the teacher, they were nice. The other kids played and talked to me as if I was always there, making me feel welcomed, and soon I warmed up to them as they warmed up to me. Everything is better once you are familiar with the people around you, so you should talk to them. Some of the most important things in getting used to a new school is being confident, raising your hand a lot, and trying to make some friends.
Have you ever had to move schools? (hook)
After moving schools multiple times, you might learn to get used to new things, but if you haven't, I've got some advice for you. I was always shy and rarely interacted with others on my own. But when others talked to me, especially the teacher, they were nice. The other kids played and talked to me as if I was always there, making me feel welcomed, and soon I warmed up to them as they warmed up to me. Everything is better once you are familiar with the people around you, so you should talk to them. (background information)
Some of the most important things in getting used to a new school is being confident, raising your hand a lot, and trying to make some friends. (thesis statement)
Hope it helps!!