It's Man vs. Self... I read that story and did the answers but i don't know if your abc choice is the same as mine
The route or direction followed by a ship, air craft or road
The answer to this is A.), Peace and Prosperity. Hope this helps!
Significant events in chapter two;
- dill leaves maycomb to go to meridian
- Scout goes to school and dislikes her teacher ms. Caroline fisher
- ms Caroline fisher is a character who is narrow minded as she tries to "undo the damage" of Atticus teaching scout how to read
Significant events in chapter 3;
- scout invites Walter Cunningham to her house to eat because he is poor and has nothing to eat
- Walter then proceeds to pour a bottle of syrup onto his vegetables; the syrup is a symbol; Syrup is sweet and Walter is poor, implying that poor people miss out on the sweeter, more finer highs in life and he is attempting to cover his bland, boring life with something sweeter
Hope this helps;)