I think the word escaped should be put in the blank.
How are you today? Good afternoon and sit down. Thank you.
I don’t know the purpose of this.
Excerpt 2
The people made Jewlry money expensive clothing.
Shopping bags weapons guns nifes.
The creative adult is the child who survived after the world tried killing them, making them “grown up”. The creative adult is the child who survived the blandness of schooling, the unhelpful words of bad teachers, and the nay-saying ways of the world.The creative adult is in essence simply that, a child.<span> </span>
Lincoln School
10th June 2021
Tea and Health Benefits
All students are invited to the seminar about tea and its health benefits on Friday 30th, at 6:00 pm in Fulton Street 234, Collin Venue. Limited places.
Sara Johnson
A notice has to be short, formal, and precise. It should start with the name of the institution, then the title notice. After that, we write the date that the notice is published, a heading with the topic, a short paragraph with the time, date, place, intended public, and any necessary information. Then the signature.