External contact and intercultural exchange benefitted early civilizations. This is true of both the civilizations of sub-Saharan Africa and those of Southeast Asia.
In the case of Sub-Saharan Africa, one such civilization was that of the Kingdom of Kush. This was established around 1070 BCE. Kush developed in a region known as Nubia, in the Sudanese and southern Egyptian Nile Valley. Much of the success of the Kingdom of Kush came from its interactions with Egypt. Kush was an important producer of gold and ivory, and by trading with Egypt, it achieved great wealth. It also acquired some of the traditions of Egypt, such as the building of pyramids and mummification.
Southeast Asian civilizations also benefitted from trade in their early years, particularly maritime trade. The Austronesian people built the first ocean-going ships. They trade with areas such as Southern India and Sri Lanka. This also connected these people with the cultures of India and China. This trade led to a rise in technological knowledge and traditions. Some of the items that were exchanged in this trade were catamarans, outrigger boats, sewn-plank boats, coconuts, sandalwood, bananas, and sugarcane.
Factors of Production and Competition (honorable mentions are Accumulation of Capital and Private Property)
The answers should be D 23%
instead of the majority enslaving the minority by brute force (democracy), all are enslaved by an oligarchy. Poetic justice?
In a representative democracy people hope the winner will represent them. But how, what is the unspoken method, the political system that will be used? It’s not a system that is based on rights or reason. It employs the initiation of violence, threats, fraud. Rights are sacrificed to the will of the majority, i.e., the “common good” or so we are told. If that were true, it would be enough to reject democracy as mob rule but it isn’t true. However, it’s just as bad because the politics of violence is still the paradigm. It serves those in power, not the people who put them there, i.e., the frauds and front people for “the powers that be” (TPTB). When individual rights are not the primary goal, the basis, the axiom of government, no one is safe, no “common good” is possible. This was the new political paradigm that Jefferson used to justify the Declaration of Independence. It convinced the Founding Fathers to risk “our lives, our property” and fight against the most powerful empire in the world. They gave us a new political paradigm and it was not threatened by The Articles of Confederation, which had 14 American presidents. Then came the counter-American bloodless political coup, the Constitution. It replaced America with the U.S.A., a strong centralized government. The sovereign states versus the sovereign federal gov was a conflict that Lincoln settled and explained in the “Gettysburg Address”. He valued “The Union” over its parts. Of course, this is not how historians justify the death of a million Americans.