Males have XY and females have XX
Mountains are prominent landforms that have significant heights above sea level and/or the surrounding land. They are steeper than hills. A mountain or mountain range usually has a peak, which is a pointed top. Mountains have different climates than land at sea level and nearby flat land. Climate is the weather over an extended time period for a specific area. The climate of mountains tends to include colder weather, wetter weather, and thinner air. Thin air refers to the fact that at the higher altitudes of a mountain there is less oxygen to breathe. Also, mountains generally have less hospitable conditions for plants and animals. This leads to quite different evolutionary adaptations for those plants and animals that make higher elevations their home.
Since Mark's wife was a carrier, it means that she is heterozygous for the trait. And after Mark got tested, they decided to have children due to no increased risk if they do have children, it means the condition is not an autosomal dominant condition but a recessive condition because if the condition is dominant, only one copy of the affected allele is needed to increase risk.
Thus, with a no increased risk, it means Mark is normal i.e. carries no copy of the recessive allele.
The reason is to help in seed dispersal. Seed dispersal is the movement or transport of seeds away from the parent plant. Due to the fact that plants have very limited mobility they have to rely upon variety of dispersal; vectors to transport their seeds, including both abiotic and biotic factors. Seed dispersal is important because if seed are not dispersed, many germinating seedlings will grow very close to the parent plant which would result to competition between every one of the seedlings as well as the parent. The competition for essential growth factors such as light, space, water and nutrients.
Answer and Explanation:
Enzymes are organic catalysts which are protein in nature. There are two types of naming enzymes:
<h3>Trivial naming</h3>
This method involves giving enzymes names based on the names of the persons who discovered them. The names of such enzymes end with the suffix-in, for example, pepsin, trypsin. Some of these names have been retained to date.
Enzyme Nomenclature by Enzyme Commission
This is the modern method of naming enzymes. The suffix-ase is added to the substrate or the reaction which the enzymes catalyses. Every enzyme code consists of the letters "EC" followed by the enzyme. For example
EC 1 oxidoreductases- oxidoreduction reactions
EC 2 transferases- transfer of a functional group
EC 3 hydrolases- catalyse hydrolytic cleaving
EC 4 lyases - adding groups to double bonds. e.g., C-C,C-O
EC 5 isomerases - catalyse structural changes in a molecule
EC 6 ligases - joining of two molecules