The most ethical action the football player could take is to report the hazard. He would be tempted by his desire to succeed/win the playoff, as it is an important game. If I was the football player, I would report the hazard because if I didn’t, someone could get hurt or my team could be punished/forced to forfeit.
I don’t consider Nick Naylor to be an immoral person because he chooses to work as a tobacco lobbyist as immorality isn’t associated with smoking tobacco.
Immorality is associated with evil wrongdoings.
Smoking of tobacco isn’t an evil or bad practice and should never be used in the same context as being an immoral behavior/act.
Evaporation is when water vapor comes from liquid surface water, such as streams, lakes, rivers, and oceans. ... Transpiration is when water vapor comes from liquid water excreted by plants. Plants 'breathe' by exchanging carbon dioxide for oxygen through small openings in their leaves called stomata during photosynthesis.