The correct answer is A, as the Battle of Midway is considered a turning point in WWII, when US destroyed 4 Japanese aircraft carriers while losing just one US carrier.
The Battle of Midway was a naval battle between the Japanese and the American Navy at the Midway Islands in the Second World War. The battle was induced by Japan and lasted from June 4 to June 1942. It took place six months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, which led to a state of war between Japan and the United States, and about a month after the Battle of the Coral Sea. The Battle of Midway resulted in the US forces rejecting the attack and destroying 4 Japanese aircraft carriers and a heavy cross against their own loss of an aircraft carrier and a destroyer.
D. A loan default
you can almost think of your credit score as an actual score--one that's based on how much you can be trusted.
If I've always paid my expenses on time, and in full, a bank is probably going to trust me a lot.
And that's exactly what credit score is--a prediction of how likely you are to pay a loan on time. Some companies even call it your "creditworthiness"
So, a major influential factor of your credit score is your banking history
and a<u> </u><u>loan default</u><u> would logically impact your credit score greatly</u>
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(note: a loan default is essentially when a borrower doesn't pay back the debt)
So, A loan default is one factor that influences your credit score.
hope this helps!! have a lovely day :)
The main idea of hammurabis code was that anything that you do, comes back to you. it was the first format of law known to people.
ex: eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth
B. The expulsion of non-Christians from Spain.
The Reconquista had the ultimate effect of driving Muslims out of the Iberian Peninsula, and contributed to the unification of a single Spanish kingdom.
Muslim incursions into the Iberian Peninsula had happened already back in the 8th century, and Muslim populations controlled the southern portions of Spain and Portugal for many centuries. "The Reconquista" is the name given to the retaking of the lands by Portugal and Spain, completed in 1492. Following that, there were efforts to force Muslims to convert to Catholic Christianity if they wished to remain in the land. [Jews were targeted also.] The Reconquista had been pursued on and off since the 8th century, but was most aggressively--and successfully--carried out by the monarchy team of Ferdinand and Isabella, who completed the conquest over Muslims in Grenada in 1492.
Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile had joined their kingdoms by marriage to one another in 1469. Their success against the Muslim presence in the peninsula advanced their control over all of Spain. Under their son, King Charles I, Spain was ruled as a single kingdom. (Charles is perhaps more famously known also as Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, as he held that imperial title also from 1519 to 1556.)
They make swords shield for the king´s army