Dear employees, in view of our small market and the challenges that the current period imposes on small companies, we decided to keep our business as an owner. We know that this choice is a big challenge and that it will cause us less funding to invest in our products, which can be a competitive disadvantage and can generate us less profits, however, this choice allows us to have more control in our production, that we can choose our suppliers and that we can choose the type of sales and marketing that best suits our region. I count on your support and effort to overcome this phase and become bigger and bigger according to our own desires.
George W. Bush, and George H. W. Bush
comply with rules, standards, or laws. (of a person) behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards.
It's like doing something because you friend likes it even though you hate it like if you hate strawberries but you eat them anyway because everyone else likes them
group therapy
Group therapy is a kind of therapy which involves one or more therapists who treat the group of people together. The interpersonal relations developed among the members of the group are used to develop, explore and examine the people. The support, the skills training, and psycho-education are some of the benefits shared among the people. It helps in bringing positive changes in the lives of the people.