Depends on which time they immigrated. If it was during the depression or war then definetly not, and the 20th century had plenty of political unrest in America (WW2, Vietnam, etc) so an argument could be made that they did not achieve the American Dream, but on the other hand it depends on who it was and where they were from compared to America.
D). Vast empires.
Classical civilizations developed vast empires, whereas early river valley civilizations did not.
After Reconstruction, white Southerners took extreme measures to ensure that African-Americans did not gain political power. One of the reasons why is because they feared that African-Americans would elect individuals who would try to change the southern way of life. In order to stop this from happening, several actions were taken.
1) Voting obstacles- Even though the 15th amendment said the no one can be stopped from voting based on race, color, or past servitude, many southern states went around this by implementing literacy tests and poll taxes. These tests and taxes significantly affected the African-American community, as many of them did not have a formal education nor a large enough income to vote.
2) Development of Ku Klux Klan- This organization used violence, intimidation, and threats to ensure that African-Americans did not use the rights guaranteed to them in the constitution.
The Haitian Revolution (1791 – 1804) The Haitian Revolution has often been described as the largest and most successful slave rebellion in the Western Hemisphere. Slaves initiated the rebellion in 1791 and by 1803 they had succeeded in ending not just slavery but French control over the colony.
1. Difficult during the winter.
2. Can't sail back.
3. Bad weather conditions.
I would type more but I can't see the rest