(a) Enzo and Caspar are not born in France.
(b) Enzo does show that he is pround of his country.
(c) Samira likes to have a day off school.
(d) She will never miss the fireworks.
(e) He find that sad, that people doesn't celebrate National Day
Explantion :
I'm from France
It's my mother tongue
Hope that help !
Answer: For number 2. on the picture the verb manger is spelled mange
Explanation: For the verb manger (or in English it means to eat )
if the word Je (I) is in front of it, then spell it like mange.
With Tu (You) spell it like manges.
With Il/Elle (He/She) spell it like mange.
With Nous (We) spell it like mangeons.
With Vous (You) spell it like manges.
With Ils/Elles (They) spell it like mangent.
I hope this helps and with the other verbs I will edit this answer and include how to tell what they are as well :)
1. Dans une boulangerie on vend du pain.
2. Oui, je réponds aux questions en classe.
OR : Non, je ne réponds pas aux questions en classe.
3. Les personnes attendent le train pour partir en vacances.
4. Le weekend je rends visite à mes cousins.
5. Oui, elle entend la musique dans la maison.
OR : Non, elle n'entend pas la musique dans la maison.
6. Non, je ne perds pas mon match de tennis.
Tu portes des lunettes.
Il parle au téléphone.
Nous écoutons la musique.
Il fait beau.
Vous jouez de la guitare.</span>
It means bee. fly is mouche, egg is oeuf, and chick is poussin