the following sentences with a specific time of day (example: "four
o'clock"). Write your entire answer in French words.
1. Je vais à l’école à sept heures et demie.
2. Je commence à étudier à huit heures.
3. Je prends le petit déjeuner à sept heures.
4. Je dîne à vingt heures.
COMPLETE the following French sentences.
1. J’étudie le français parce que j'aime cette langue.
2. J’ai étudié pendant trois heures hier soir à cause de la leçon d'histoire qui était difficile.
COMPLETE the following verb chart according to the subjects given.
l’infinitif: le présent: l’impératif: le futur: le passé composé:
sortir (tu)sors.1(b.) Sors ! 1(c.)tu sortiras 1(d.) Tu es sorti(e)
savoir (je) sais /Sache/ Tu sauras /Tu as su
venir (ils)viennent/Venez ! /Ils viendront/ Ils sont venus
partir (vous)partez/ Partez!/ Vous partirez/ Vous êtes partis</span>
Les enfants vont à l'école.
au = + masc. sing. <em>(= à + le)</em>
à la + fem. sing
à l' + sing. nouns begining with a vowel
aux + plural nouns
<em>Bonjour ! </em>
Boris : Alors, Cathy ! Comment ça va au lycée ? Il est important que tu "étudies" sérieusement, tu sais.
The babbling stage is marked by a variety of sounds that are often used in any of the world's languages, though often not the language the child will later speak. The meaning of this observation is unclear. Some experts say babbling signals the beginning of a child's language communication skills. At this stage, sounds provide the repertoire in which the child will identify the phonemes of his language. On the other hand, the order that sounds appear during the babbling period is generally contrary to what they appear in the child's first words. For example, later consonants and anterior vowels, such as [k], [g] and [i], appear early in children's babbling but later in their phonological development. hopes this helps!