1. Mr. jones oppressed the animals
2. The animals rebel against Mr. Jones
3. The pigs take over as leaders
4. The pigs oppress the animals
Can you provide the sentences?
1. Macbeth is responsible for his willingness to kill for power. If you kill for power, you cannot absolve yourself of responsibility. If your family urges you to commit evil, refrain and restrain them. Never act on their urgings. Remember, Eve also led Adam to eat from the forbidden fruit.
2. Pressure from family or friends can potentially lead us to make dangerous or harmful decisions when we listen to and act on their advice. You must prove yourself a person by not being swayed by pressure. Know at whose altar you worship!
3. Macbeth was not ordinarily a successor to the throne of Scotland. It was his wife, Lady Macbeth, who had the right to ascend to the throne before her marriage to Macbeth. To achieve power and authority without sacrificing or harming others, one should learn to be patient. If anything will be yours, it will surely come to pass. Allow time to pass. Do not hurry time by committing atrocities.
4. Greedy ambition unrestrained by morality is devastating both to the ambitious and others around them. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth could not hold the throne after murdering Duncan. Therefore, I must apply moral principles to my ambitions in life. If no one is adversely affected by my ambition, I will then pursue it relentlessly. But, if somebody will be adversely affected by any of my ambitions, I will try as much as humanly possible to curtail and control such ambitions. God helping me with His grace!
Macbeth is the title of a tragedy written by William Shakespeare. It chronicles Macbeth's killing of Duncan, his cousin and King of Scotland, and the subsequent destruction that erupted in and around the kingdom following Macbeth's destructive madness after ascending the throne.
determined, proud of her family, and hard working.
near the beginning, we see that martha sates she dosen't have many talents; that she wasn't good at sports or dancing, so she decides to focus on acedemics. she proves how she is determined to make a name for her family and prove herself, just as her sister did. it is obvious that marta admires her sister and has a deep love and pride in her family. in the text, it states how hard work is treasured in the family, and marta works hard to become the top in her class. she is determined, hard working, and proud of her family.
Now even the darkness is fading,
She no longer fights, only waiting.
He draws in his own breath to spite her,
She won't leave him this time, he's sure.
-Emily Martin
Your welcome, I really like this.