Jamestown was founded in 1607. From 1607 to 1760 England went through the English Civil War, which broke out in 1642, and ended in 1651, causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people (the majority of them non-combatants). The reason for the war was an ongoing conflict between the king Charles I and Parliament. In the end, Charles I was executed.
Neolithic revolution is called the first radical transformation of the way of life of humanity, which goes from being nomadic to sedentary and having a collecting economy (hunting, fishing and gathering) to producer (agriculture and livestock).
This process took place more than 9000 years ago (VIII millennium BC) in response to the climate crisis that occurred at the beginning of the Holocene, after the last glaciation and which, in terms related to the history of culture, corresponds to the passage of the Paleolithic period (carved stone) to the Neolithic (new stone) and hence its name. In the first place, it affected the wide area that, due to its appearance on the map, has received the name of fertile crescent or fertile crescent. It includes from the Egyptian part of the valley of the Nile to Mesopotamia (the territory between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers), passing through the coastal strip of the Mediterranean Levante and the mountainous region of southeastern Turkey. Within it, the places where the oldest archaeological evidence of neolithization has been found, that is, the substitution of the stone carved by the polished stone for making weapons and tools, do not come precisely from the alluvial plains of the great rivers, but of deposits located in a narrower area around them (Jericho or Chatal Huyuk). This is not strange, since in the alluvial plains of the Nile, the Tigris and Euphrates, the stone is scarcer.
Texas Revolution
war fought from October 1835 to April 1836 between Mexico and Texas colonists that resulted in Texas’s independence from Mexico and the founding of the Republic of Texas (1836–45).
The activity that enabled the spread of Minoan civilization was commerce.
Water transport was far more efficient than land transport, and the Mediterranean sea was a major conduit of trade and of contact between cultures.
Minoan civilization, expanded though the establishment of settlements and commercial outposts such as the ones found in Santorini and Kythera from the mid-third millenium BC until the thirteenth century BC.
I am unsure about John McCain but but I know Obama was the only president born outside of the 48 consecutive states (he was born in Hawaii). I believe John was as well.