Warm up before you perform. Literally, a little practice before hand warms up your muscles and enables them to move quicker and more agile.
Practice your endurance. Time yourself to see how long you can maintain repetitive motions and practice to exceed your record. But while you're doing these exercises whatever you do STAY RELAXED. If you tense up and start gripping the stick too much your speed will gradually get slower over time not faster, as your technique deteriorates.
Record yourself playing. Many drummers are surprised at the quality of their playing, whether for better or for worse. When you listen to your recording you will be able to pick out rhythm/tempo inconsistencies and iron them out.
A parody is a style of commenting upon an original work with deliberate exaggeration employed for the desire of comic effect. Parody can be found in literature, plays and art. This would mean that (A) Mock-epic is the answer. A mock-epic is a specific type of parody which satirizes which mock stereotypes of heroes in epic literature.
When three lilies are arranged in a pattern in which the largest lily is lowest and the next one up is smaller and the next one is even smaller than the second, the designer is using the technique called <em>Sequencing</em>.
Some creative ways Todd can use to help the hospital understand the importance of an integrated revenue cycle team would be bringing a former teammate to explain the benefits they reached using that strategy, show finance numbers from different departments and compare them to numbers from the same departments before Todd was hired, offer two months trial to know what team work feels like and the benefits it can bring to the Hospital, integrate every single employee to the team and give them a responsability, that is going to give them some power, respect and love for what they are doing.