Radiometric dating for the analysis of isotopes in the fossil.
Radiometric dating can be used to determine the precise age of a fossil by measuring isotoped decay within tge fossil or the surrounding rock in contact with it.
Botana curus is a plant that produces curus which is a substance that is used to cure different kind of cancer.
This is an endangered species that cannot be grown in the laboratory. The ability to produce curus in the laboratory is not feasible.
The human activities that could have endangered botana curus is:
Pollution: It lead to slow down the rate of growth of the plant.
Overexploitation: The over use of plant for its medicinal purpose.
Habitat: The natural habitat of the plant has been changed due to various human activities.
A student visits the beach during a very hot day. She steps on the sand and jumps because it is so hot as a result of "conduction."
The process of the conduction happens because of the flow of kinetic energy from one molecule to the other by direct contact. When she first steps the beach on the hot sand, after that the energy moves from the hot sand to the cooler body by conduction. While walking on the sand for few time, the feet will feel hot. The movement of the heat takes place from the hot sand to the bottom of the feet by conduction. When the objects come in contact with each other the heat transfers as a result of conduction.
Research studies suggest that a high-fiber diet protects against colon cancer. This is because high fibrous food increases the bulk in the digestive tract to pass easily through the intestinal tract to shorten the time of passage. This short time of passage of food reduces the interaction of carcinogens present in the food with the intestinal tract. The fibers are broken down in butyrate by the bacteria present in the lower intestine. This butyrate inhibits the growth of tumors of colon and rectum,
Answer: C
Viruses don't have cell walls that can be attacked by antibiotics; instead they are surrounded by a protective protein coat. Unlike bacteria, which attack your body's cells from the outside, viruses actually move into, live in and make copies of themselves in your body's cells