The pollution from the Industrial Revolution darkening the trees. After the trees darkened from all the soot in the air, the white moths were easier to see and more vulnerable to predators. The dark moths blended into the dark tree bark.
The pig heart is big,and the chicken heart is small.
Let us look at the what, why and how of studying extreme places like the deep earth and the deep space. Scientists need to figure out as to 'what' they want to look at such places, be it a new exotic creature or bio-genesis (birth of life). Unless there are several testable hypothesis constructed, such a study cannot begin. The 'why' aspect deals with the purpose of such research and expeditions. Is it of any use to the humans, or will it improve our current understanding of a phenomenon? The 'how' aspect deals with the technology and the economic assistance that can help in undertaking such a research. All these are the challenges that needed to be thoroughly considered to make such a research or expedition possible.
1. DDAA, DdAa
2. DDaa, Dada
3. ddAA, ddAa
4. ddaa
5. The phenotypic ratio is 9:3:3:1 where 9 combinations will produce offspring with both dominant phenotypes (dimples and brown hair), 3 will produce offspring with one dominant phenotype and one receive phenotype (dimples, blonde hair), 3 will produce offspring with one receive phenotype and one dominant phenotype (no dimples, brown hair), and one will produce offspring with both recessive phenotypes (no dimples, blonde hair)