Lagos ,Nigeria kinda cool
El espacio rural se compone de áreas no urbanas. Son espacios no ocupados por ciudades o densidades de población. La mayoría de las actividades productivas propias de este espacio están relacionadas con la agricultura, la ganadería y la extracción.
Para comprender mejor el alcance conceptual que envuelve el espacio rural, es necesario distinguir las expresiones rural y agraria. Las actividades en las zonas rurales no siempre son agrarias. Cada vez es más común utilizar el campo para actividades turísticas, deportivas, áreas de preservación ambiental, balnearios, clínicas, centros de investigación, entre otros, que no están vinculados a actividades agrarias.:
You would go through these is this general order:
Palaestra- exercise room, socialization, preparation for baths basically
Apodyterium- changing room, to get... changed?
Tepidarium- warm bath room, spend time sitting in a warm room. Prepare for the next room
Caldarium- hot bath room, hot water to soak in. After that slaves come rub you down with olive oil (soap was not invented yet)
Frigidarium- cold plunge bath, rinse down the oil with cold water
All hot room were heated by hypocausts, a way of hot air circulating through walls and beneath the floors
The Hadean eon represents the time interval between 4.6 billion to 4 billion years back. It is marked by the initial formation of the earth , right from the time of gathering and accumulation of interstellar dust particles and gases, and there was frequent collision between the planetesimals of relatively larger in size. The core and the crust formed and started to become stable and also gradually led to the formation and expansion of the ocean and the earth's atmosphere.
This is how the earth gradually started to form and develop and took the shape during the time interval between 4.6 billion to 4.2 billion years old, and where the oldest rocks found on earth is dated from about 4.2 billion years in the past.