We is a <u>personal</u>, plural first-person pronoun
3, because they all pretty much get the joint across that its payback, but in different ways
If we use farm animals for what they are good at - converting by-products from the food system and grass resources into valuable food and manure - they can contribute significantly to human food supply, while at the same time reducing the environmental impact of the entire food system. By converting these so-called low-opportunity-cost feeds, farm animals recycle biomass and nutrients into the food system that would otherwise be lost to food production. Rearing animals under this circular paradigm, however, requires a transition from our current linear food system towards a circular one. Here we present a biophysical concept for the role of farm animals in a circular food system, essential for meeting dietary recommendations within the boundaries of our planet.
The most important difference between the poet Dante and the man or woman or pilgrim Dante is that the author is much less sympathetic to the sinners in the circles of Hell than is the individual.
The poet Dante glaringly wrote the Inferno; he created the circles of Hell, determining which sins had been the "worst" and which symbolic punishments would be paired with every sin. Dante chooses to punish the traitors within the 9th circle, the worst of.
Dante become an Italian poet and moral truth seeker great known for the epic poem The Divine Comedy, which comprises sections representing the 3 stages of the Christian afterlife: purgatory, heaven and hell. The plot of The Divine Comedy is straightforward: a person, typically assumed to be Dante himself, is miraculously enabled to adopt an ultra journey, which leads him to go to the souls in Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise.
Learn more about Dante here:-