A landform is a feature on the Earth's surface that is part of the terrain. Mountains, Hills, Plateaus and Plains are four major types of landforms. Minor landforms include buttes, canyons, valleys and basins. Tectonic plate movement under the Earth can create landforms by pushing up mountains and hills.
I majored in Geography
India gets around 70 percent of its annual rainfall during the monsoon season, which also affects the yield of some key kharif or summer crops like rice, pulses and oilseeds such as soybeans. Farmers start planting these crops with the arrival of monsoon rains in June.
Weather forecasting is what goes into the blank
<h2>Answer: Atoll</h2>
An atoll is an oceanic coral island, usually in the shape of a circular ring, which may be completely or partially closed. It is also called by this term to the set of several small islands that are part of a coral reef, with an interior lagoon that generally communicates with the sea.
Atolls are formed when a coral reef grows around an oceanic volcanic island, as the island sinks into the ocean and disappears underwater, the growth of the coral increases until reaching the sea level, where the action of the wind and the waves erode it and transform it into sand.
It should be noted that this process can take millions of years.
In this sense, the Maldives, an island country located in the Indian Ocean (southwest of Sri Lanka and a few kilometers from India), has these characteristics.
Its territory is organized in 26 atolls and as a country it is constituted by some 1200 islands.
Wind and Ocean Currents: �Heat Movers�<span>Both air currents and ocean currents move heat. Energy is stored as "latent heat" in the atmosphere. In the surface waters of the ocean it is stored as "sensible heat." Atmospheric and oceanic circulation share the task of<span>heat </span>redistribution on a roughly fifty-fifty basis. Even though transfer of heat by moving water in ocean currents is much less efficient than transfer by moving vapor in wind, the masses involved are much greater in the ocean currents than in the air currents.