Les Soldes, a promotional period in France where shoppers go crazy over big discounts. Next month this craziness begins!
Timing Of Les Soldes
Sales are state-regulated and there are two periods that “Les Soldes” take place:
Les Soldes in France
Les Soldes in France
Dates depend on the region.
2021 Les Soldes Dates:
The winter dates are: January 6-February 2, 2021*
and the summer dates are: June 23-July 20, 2021**
You’ll see “Promotion” or “Soldes” signs with prices slashed quite a bit not only in the small stores, but also in the department stores such as Galeries Lafayette. Reductions can range from 30-50% and even as high as 70% and these discounts may increase as time goes on. Their goal is to get rid of old stock.
While it’s not like Boxing Day in Canada and the United Kingdom, or Black Friday in the United States where people line up the night before to get in first, it is important to get there early right when the store opens. Avoid the lunch-hour when many office workers zip out to find a deal. When I was there last January some stores got extremely crowded so it’s wise not to overdress. Also be prepared to be assertive.
Items that have the highest mark ups tend to have the biggest discounts. Boutiques, supermarkets, specialty stores, and department stores all take part. Stores in tourist areas, particularly in Paris can be open on Sundays in Paris (ie. Rue de Rivoli), so you might have a chance on doing some shopping
Hi !
je dois m'étirer avant de faire de l'exercice.
The rule is =
When a verb follows another one which is conjugated in a simple tense it has to be infinitive tense........
m'étire = je m'étire
tu t'étires
il/elle/on s'étire
nous nous étirons
vous vous étirez
ils/elles s'étirent
Les bonbons sont des aliments peu nutritifs.
ne nous la passe pas.
ne fait pas attention
tu ne nous le donnes pas.
ce que
Quelle profession t'intéresse? Pourquoi?
personnel question?
mais moi
La profession qui m'intéresse est le génie civil parce que j'aime beaucoup la construction.
je veux être prof.
je parlais j'allais
tu prendrais
il travaillait
nous écrivions
vous lisiez
ils finissaient
elle comprenait
je savais
l'étudiant dormait.