A licensed broker must dispaly his or her name boldly in their primary place of business at all times becasue it helps to identify a broker quickly as well as has gives confidence to customers to transact business with them.
Piece rate system
The piece rate system is the system in which the price is paid according to the units make or produced
Since in the question it is mentioned that the Janna sells handmade jewellery and her employees would paid a specific amount for each bracelet and necklace they developed irrespective of the time it takes so this represents the piece rate system
So the same is to be considered
A per unit MCS cannot be created if you are given total revenue and selling price because per unit MCS is created by dividing the given total revenue by the total units of products ( for revenue per unit of product )
And also dividing the total cost by the total units of products ( for cost per unit of product ) hence the absence of the number of products will make it impossible to create a per unit MCS.
Education is considered as an investment in human capital. Human capital can be described as the knowledge, abilities and skills of an individual, acquired through education, training and experience, which help the latter to be more productive and thus improve his potential income earning.
d. a deduction under financing activities.
As if the company declared and paid the cash dividend so the same is to be considered in the financing activities of the cash flow statement.
This amount should be shown in the negative amount as it decreases the cash that means it is an outflow of cash
Hence, the correct option is d. and the same is to be considered