In the 1988 Seoul games, Lemieux abandoned his chance to win gold in the Finn class sailing competition to help a competitor who's boat had capsized.
Because of this Lawrence was awarded the Pierre de Coubertin medal for sportsmanship, one of only sixteen athletes to ever win the medal.
The supreme law of the land in known as the Constitution of the United states. It contains a bill of rights that can be revised and additions can be.made and repealed.
He was the one who signed it into law, so he was okay with it.
America believed in manifest destiny, so he wanted to do this. America would begin to expand by forcing natives to leave the country or assimilate to their culture.
The Constitution. Checks and balances throughout, separation of power in article one two and three.
Both countries revolted violently against French oppressors. In what ways were the independence movements in Algeria and Vietnam similar? The Vietnamese fought for independence, while South Africans fought for racial equality after winning independence.