Answer:In The Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes talks about his views of human nature and describes his vision of the ideal government which is best suited to his views. Hobbes believed that human beings naturally desire the power to live well and that they will never be satisfied with the power they have without acquiring more power.
Im 99.9999999% sure it was at ft sumter
There was a lot of patriotism after 1812. It was essentially the second revolutionary war.
The US actually gained territory in the south (West Florida from Spanish).
Manufacturing grew during this time to supply the war effort.
A ton of natives were killed during the war (10000 according to wikipedia), so there was a lot less resistance from the natives.
The correct answers are 1, 2, and 4.
Correct answer is FALSE.
United States entered the war in 1917. But the answer is false, because United States helped defeat the Central Powers, who were fighting against Allied Powers.
At the end, US were the decisive factor, which helped Allies to defeat Central Powers and to victory of Allies.
It'll take 17 hours more or less depends on where your location is