The correct answer is Napoleon Bonaparte and Abbe Sieyes overthrew the current Directory and replaced it with a new government: a three-person Consulate
In 1789, to solve the serious deficit in public accounts, the Minister of Finance, Jacques Necker, proposed that the clergy and the nobility should start paying taxes. The idea was rejected. Shortly afterwards, however, with the worsening of the crisis, Louis XVI would call the so-called General States for the first time in almost 200 years to discuss solutions. In this series of meetings, each state had a vote on each matter discussed. As their interests were quite similar, clergy and nobility tended to vote together, invariably winning all votes. On the opening day of the General States of 1789, however, the third state asked that the counting of votes be made by each individual deputy. After a month of stalemate on the issue, he would retire to a separate room, proclaiming himself on July 9 as the National Constituent Assembly. Unable to dissolve the independent meeting of the third state, the king ordered the other two states to join him. In the meantime, however, he called on the army to smother what he saw as sedition.
When word of Louis XVI's betrayal spread, much of the population revolted. On July 14, a crowd invaded the government's arsenals and seized about 30,000 muskets, then headed for the Bastille, an old fortress where the government imprisoned opponents, and took it after a few hours of combat. Although it was practically deactivated at the time, it was one of the greatest symbols of absolutism, and its fall is usually treated with the ground zero of the French Revolution.
Rituals like puja, which means worship, recitations, meditation, and have annual festivals to celebrate rites of passage for family members and friends.
Early Dynastic
Old Kingdom
First Intermediate Period
Middle Kingdom
Second Intermediate period
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John Adams failed to obtain a second term because of how poorly his first term went. He passed some controversial laws and even declared the "Quasi War", an undeclared naval war with France. He was also facing Thomas Jefferson, a very popular candidate at the time.
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Explanation: President Johnson was opposed to the Radica Republicans because he strongly disagreed with him on the status that African American hould have in American society. Radical Republicans were in favor of complete equality but Johnson was on a different stance.