Where were some of the earliest origins of agriculture and why did they occur in those locations?
One of the ancient place on Earth where the presence of humans was discovered is Ur and Uruk cities. So, some of the earliest origin of agriculture occur near those cities located in Messopotamia. Messopotamia is a place located near rivers Tigris and Euphrates. At that time is was a very fertile zone.
Buddhism is a centered of upon a life and teachings of Gautama Budda
And Christianity is a centered on the life of teachings of Jesus Christ
Answer: Vikings, Muslims, and Magyars invaded Europe at a time of political weakness.
Feudalism refers to a system where the King or Queen was the absolute monarch and as a result owned all the land but could give it to Nobles who would then become rich and powerful.
This system was as a result of people needing such protection that they bounded around the Nobles to protect them when invasions from groups such as the Vikings, the Muslims and the Magyars threatened their security in a way the monarchs could not effectively protect them.
Segregation, with separate but equal ended
In Europe, late in the century, the Vikings, seafaring peoples from Scandinavia, begin raiding the coasts of Europe and the Mediterranean, and go on to found several important kingdoms.
In Asia, the Pala Empire is founded in Bengal. The Tang Dynasty reaches its pinnacle under Chinese Emperor Xuanzong. The Nara period begins in Japan.