I was on a robotics team. My role was to be the mathematical person.
Monday would definitely be just “no”
The first four stanzas discuss the development of the relationship between the River Merchant and his wife. The first discusses when they were in the their childhood. The next discusses her marriage, followed by the maturing of the girl into a woman and the last of the four, talks about the longing or missing of the woman for her husband.
Its looks fine as is, I would just change it to "Oh yea." Josh says, ect.
Or you could say "oh yea." Josh says, "I forgot to mention that throwing a little gathering with some people you and I know." Put something here about what 'Josh' is doing (he looks at you, he looks away, ect.) "You better get comfortable because tonight is going to be one hell of a night."
In my english class we have done some things like human trafficking , abortion, or gun control laws, also depending on what you're looking for could be stress in students or something relevant