Now it is open .......:.:..:..........:::...::..:..::..::..::..::::::..
1. Etcetera
2. etc
3. Nature holds many colors: red, blue, green, etc.
Pacing in regards to writing is the rate at which big events happen. For example, a story would have slow pacing if it's mostly just people having small talk. When a murder or catharsis occurs, the pace picks up. When a piece of literature or filmography has bad pacing, the transition between slow and fast pacing is all but nonexistent. When it has good pacing, the big events are molded into the story appropriately and naturally. Hope this helped.
In the explanation...
The three goals of persuasive speaking include:
1. Getting the reader to relate to your views somehow
2. Diminishing the opposing view's points and making it clear that your point is even more valid.
3. Lastly, getting the reader on your side.
The hardest goal to achieve is #2 because depending on whether or not the opposing view is directly targeting you it can be hard to try to avoid their evidence if you can't even think of evidence that would help defend your views.