</span>Improve quality of care and reduce health disparities.
</span>Read the orders in the medical record and make
sure to read it back again to verify accuracy.
</span>Maintain the security and privacy of patient
health information.
</span>Talk to the patients and families in management of
their health care.
architectures, tools, databases, analytical tools, applications, and methodologies
There are several features of business intelligence. It is a content-free expression, which means that it means different things to different people, and not same thing as suggested by Option B. While its major objective is to enable or allow easy access to data, it is not limited to data and IT only as suggested by Option C. Instead it provides managers of businesses with the ability of analysis of data. And finally it helps in the transformation of data to information and to action, which is contrary to the suggestions of Option D. Hence the first option is the only correct option.
It takes places during surveying.
For example, let's say you want to review your own produced game application software, and found out whether it satisfy your consumer or not
Before you conduct the survey, you have to identify what aspect you want to find out from your consumers , such as : Does it have any bug ? Is it challenging enough ? is the graphic good enough ? etc
The correct answer will be "Project Gutenberg".
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So that the above is the right answer.