O American settlers discovered gold in the Black Hills, where the Sioux reservation was located.
I took the test
c)Fear of the atomic bomb combined with prosperity made it a time of
contrasting emotions
Here is a quote from my online textbook [(!/4/2/2/[email protected]:1.57) United States History and Geography by McGrall Hill Education, on page 622]
"the country was enjoying postwar prosperity and optimism. That spirit, combined with McCarthyism, fears of Communist infiltration, and the threat of atomic attack, made the early 1950s a time of contrasts. As the 1952 election approached, Americans were looking for someone or something that would make them feel more secure."
I also took this quiz and got the answer right. Hope this helps!
There were actually seven countries President Bush accused of terrorism: Sudan, North Korea, Libya, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, and Syria......
The signs were cuts in production, rise in unemployment, bank failures, and consumer borrowing. Personal debt weakening economy, etc.
This poem compares with the history of immigration because it shows how open the US was. It contrasts becuase the poor didn't always get what they needed.
(This is more in depth)
The poem compares because the US would take everyone in, as long as they were healthy. The US had a lot it could offer immigrants, as well. Usually, however, immigrants were faced with hardships, were discriminated against, and didn't get the help they needed.