According to Freud's theory, mental illness arises when the ego is incapable of maintaining control of the id and superego, when their impulses are too strong. Freud believed this imbalance was often caused by early childhood trauma.
Hope this helps
f : III
f' : II
f'' : I
From x = 0 to about x = 1.5, graph III decreases; on this interval, II is negative. From x = 1.5 to x = 2, graph III increases; on this interval, II is positive. From x = 2 to about x = 2.3, graph III decreases; on this interval, II is negative. From about x = 2.3 to x = 3, graph III increases; on this interval, II is positive. And finally, from about x = 3 to about x = 4, graph III decreases; on this interval, II is negative.
Therefore, graph II corresponds with the slope trend of graph III. If III is f, II is f'.
To determine that graph I corresponds with the slope trend of graph II and is therefore f'', follow a similar process comparing graphs I and II.
If II is f', I is f''.
Therefore, f : III and f' : II and f'' : I
Due to the protozoa......
Picture is needed to answer the question