√1.45 = 1.2041594578792
Step 1:
Divide the number (1.45) by 2 to get the first guess for the square root .
Step 2:
Divide 1.45 by the previous result. d = 1.45/0.725 = 2.
Average this value (d) with that of step 1: (2 + 0.725)/2 = 1.3625
previous value = 0.725 - 1.3625 = 0.6375.
0.6375 > 0.001
Now we repeat the step
Step 3:
Divide 1.45 by the previous result. d = 1.45/1.3625 = 1.0642201835.
Average this value (d) with that of step 2: (1.0642201835 + 1.3625)/2 = 1.2133600918
Error = new guess - previous value = 1.3625 - 1.2133600918 = 0.1491399082.
0.1491399082 > 0.001.
Step 4:
Divide 1.45 by the previous result. d = 1.45/1.2133600918 = 1.1950285903.
Average this value (d) with that of step 3: (1.1950285903 + 1.2133600918)/2 = 1.2041943411 (new guess).
Error = new guess - previous value = 1.2133600918 - 1.2041943411 = 0.0091657507.
0.0091657507 > 0.001.
Step 5:
Divide 1.45 by the previous result. d = 1.45/1.2041943411 = 1.2041245757.
Average this value (d) with that of step 4: (1.2041245757 + 1.2041943411)/2 = 1.2041594584
- previous value = 1.2041943411 - 1.2041594584 = 0.0000348827.
0.0000348827 <= 0.001. accuracy, we stop the iterations and use 1.2041594584 as the square root.
I love umbrella academy, on my block, and stranger things! If you’re looking for something else to watch, I recommend Good Girls
Sure man would love to talk
When it is has a probability value of 0.1587, it means
that 15.87% of the total sample is below z = -1 or there is a chance that the
selected sample has a 15.87% chance of being below z = -1. Actually all the
choices are telling the same thing in different way.
E. All of the above
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