The correct answer would be A
Hey! I’m not too sure if this question is tied to notes or a lesson during class but from the general basis of the question I can assume that: Who, When, Where and Why are the words your looking for.
Hope this helps.
A partir de la siguiente carta Scatter y de las frases y narraciones de muestra con las que ha trabajado en este módulo, junte <br> su propia historia. Revise lo que necesite durante unos minutos y, cuando esté listo, registre su rendimiento. Penember, cuando <br> dé su rendimiento con entusiasmo y expresión, su rendimiento será mejor, y mejor recordará los <br> bloques de construcción y las tonías de trazado que cree. Para revisar su rendimiento, seleccione REPLAY. Tu historia debe ser de aproximadamente un minuto,
Listen to Zulaya's plans. Then put the sentences in the correct order
+ Zulaya is going to study
Zulaya and her sister are going to play tennis.
+ Zulaya and her friends are going to buy clothes.
Zulaya is going to sleep all morning.
* Zulaya is going to have lunch at her aunt Silvia's house.
Zulaya and her friends are going to a party.
dont know the story