The Age of Exploration relied on the creation or improvement of many forms of technology. Cartography, or the making of maps, became more accurate during this time period, which guided navigators on their journeys. Ships, such as the caravel, were created that offered safer and more efficient passage. In addition, tools for navigation developed. For example, the astrolabe, first used by astronomers, was later adapted by mariners to use the angle of the sun to determine the latitude of one's location. The magnetic compass was also useful in determining a ship's path. Navigation required the development of better timepieces, such as hour glasses and, later, clocks, so sailors could determine the time of their shifts on deck. Scientific discoveries evolved as a result of the needs of explorers for more accurate maps, faster ships, better tools for navigation, and more accurate timepieces. These discoveries helped fuel the development of the Scientific Revolution.
Rome managed to overcome it's difficulties with having issues in it's leading structure and the highest chain in command; namely Roman generals at the time wanted glory for themselves which prevented them from beating Carthage for some period together with the fact that Carthage had the incredible general Hannibal. After they consolidated and joined forces together, they were able to beat Carthage after a campaign of war.
It protects people from excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishments.
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