The reason why interdisciplinary science is important to
society is because of the following reasons; It has incorporate sources of
knowledge and it is a way of increasing our knowledge. This science has made
people realize and learn more things than they actually know and it made people
understand things around them without having to actually think an explanation
behind it.
NEAR remained in this orbit for 10 days and then was backed out in stages to a 100 km circular orbit by September 5, 2000. Maneuvers in mid-October led to a flyby of Eros within 5.3 km of the surface at 07:00 UT on October 26.
Launch date: February 17, 1996 20:43:27 UTC; ...
Closest approach: June 27, 1997 12:56 UTC; .
So it could fit perfectly.
Natural gas is most commonly extracted by drilling vertically from the Earth's surface. .Hydraulic fracturing, horizontal drilling, and acidizing are processes to expand the amount of gas that a well can access, and thus increase its productivity.