Gilbert's relation with his father is strong, though it may be presented as complicated, as his father used to stay away at the sea for the majority of the time.
In the story, "Another Place, Another Time", Gilbert is presented as a young boy, who despises time, as it is time which comes in the way of his father and him. His father stays away at the sea for long and Gilbert has to spend that time just waiting.
When his father dies, he again blames time as he wants all the time back which he spent with his father.
Hence, it is these incidents that represent that he has a strong bond with his father.
he was so much for your support of the
Remember we are on the side
Of the angels; danger we condemn
However, we cannot hide
From the fact we are not them
I feel like this part means inherently we are good ( we walk on the side of angels) However despite our best efforts we are not angels and awe show that we are not by lying, cheating, stealing ect.
Often we must act the devil
And play along with sin
But remember too, we do not revel
In the suffering of our kin
So often in our lives we forget the goodness we have in us and we sin mainly we hurt ourselves.
We will write letters. We will call people. We will knock on doors.
Repitition of "we will"