It is an alphabet adapted from the Greeks that is used for Slavic languages.
Generally speaking, to figure out price and quantity in a monopoly, a business finds the point at which marginal cost equals "b) Marginal revenue," since this is the point at which the product can be sold.
Hitler thought the Jews were lesser race
The Legislative branch has the power to create, pass, reform, or abolish laws, as well as handle other things like impeachments. Although the Legislative branch is unarguably the strongest branch of the 3, it is still well-checked by the other 2. To pass a law, for example, <em>after </em>the legislative branch approves it, the executive branch must agree and sign it and the judicial branch has the right to rule it unconstitutional. Even getting a bill through the legislative branch is difficult as it must go through committee in both houses, debate in both houses, and passed in both houses.
The Panic of 1893 was a major economic crisis in the United States, the largest it had seen up to that time. Many Americans saw the panic as a result of increased railroad speculation after the Civil War and a rigid attachment to the gold standard. The panic gave power to the Populists, a political movement of farmers who opposed the growing power of industrialists, and brought the issue of eliminating the gold standard to the center of the 1896 election.