constant, if slow, motion and are frequently blasted by strong winds, these clumps roll around a bit like tumbleweed.
I really do not know the poem but i think it is c
The Cyclops were remarkably huge beasts who led an unconventional lifestyle as described by Odysseus. According to Odysseus the Cyclops were lawless brutes. They never tended their fields and only relied on the naturally growing plants and the goats they kept for sustenance.
u can trim it s ofc but i love that book i wrote a hole 10 page essay on it
1. Joe(S) and I(S) love(V) archery and target shooting.
2. He(S) hopes(V) to overcome his fear of public speaking before the graduation ceremony.
3. Joe (S) and Lisa(S) are(V) outstanding parents.
Verbs pretty much always come after the subjects, which are usually the introduction to the sentence (at the beginning) :)
The answer is <em>C: twisting the handlebars quickly and wiggling the front wheel</em>.
1. Twisting the handlebars quickly: "There is a third movement of the handle bars --a quick twist in the direction the machine is leaning if about to fall."
2. Wiggling the front wheel: [prevent the fall by throwing the balance the other way] " a similar result is accomplished by wiggling the front wheel...a continuous wiggle --changing the balance...-- is necessary to keep it upright."