The Constitution and laws of each state establish the state courts. A court of last resort, often known as a Supreme Court, is usually the highest court. Some states also have an intermediate Court of Appeals. Below these appeals courts are the state trial courts. Some are referred to as Circuit or District Courts.
Mark Twain called the late 19th century the "Gilded Age." By this, he meant that the period was glittering on the surface but corrupt underneath.
There are no answer choices, but I know a Native American tribe that was <em>not</em> located in Mesoamerica was the Incas.
<span>The Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation was intended to fight back against the Protestant Reformation: to reform and strengthen the Catholic Church against this great Protestant threat, partly by purging itself of the corruption and quesitonable practices that had given rise to the Proetstant Reformation in the first place. </span>
Early in 1776, King George consented to the hiring of thousands of Hessian mercenaries to assist the British troops already in America in crushing the rebellion. The Revolutionary War lasted nearly eight years, largely because King George refused to surrender the colonies.