You take the goal and subtract that with the amount that he already walked. Then you divide that by the amount of days he have to achive that goal. There's ur answer.
The Europeans strolled into the new land of America and used their technology and strength by numbers to take over the Indians world. The iron edge blades and the gunpowder-powered guns were to much for any <span>Indian and the Europeans would often capture the king of a certain community and take over the</span>
Cities to urbanization in neighboring areas. It may be done because the neighboring urban areas seek municipal services or because a city seeks control over its suburbs or neighboring unincorporated areas.
The Anti-Federalists failed to grant the states the majority of the power (in a similar set-up to the Articles of Confederation), if I recall correctly. The important task they achieved was the addition of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution. They wanted to ensure that some of our most important rights were clearly defined and included in our nation's leading document.