It is to defeat, destroy, or neutralize the enemy.
Answer:The reductionist Biomedical model of pain would only see painful molecules and calming molecules, while the Biopsychosocial would go further, complementing the landscape of good and bad molecules with the consideration of emotional, cognitive (interpretive) and behavioral frameworks, all in the environment in which the individual relates the suffering.
180-103=77 (to find out what ∠w is)
77+87=164 (to find out what ∠w and ∠x is together)
180-164=16 (there is always 180 degrees in a triangle)
Hope it helps.....
Usually Indirect Biases direct people to select variants based on the use of these variants off of someone whom one admires, respects or simply considers wise. Another term in psychology for this would be called Mirroring.